Previous Planning Application
Previous Planning Application
West Craigs Limited have previously run a planning application for residential development (including affordable housing) on the site (CEC ref: 21/04210/PPP). This was appealed to the Scottish Government against non-determination in February 2022 (DPEA ref: PPA-230-2370), before Scottish Government Reporter’s dismissed the appeal and refused planning permission in December 2022.
Notwithstanding the previous appeal decision, the Reporter raised a number of points within the decision notice which indicates that the site could be suitable for development at a later date. A link to the full report is available here.
Key extracts are as follows:
Paragraph 36 (Visual Impact)
“Bringing my assessments on landscape and visual impact together, due to the loss of a rural landscape character type (Cammo Fringe Farmland), I find the proposal would conflict with the first sentence of Policy Env 10 (Development in the Green Belt and Countryside) and Policy Des 4 (Development Design – Impact on Setting). However, there would not in my view, be a significant adverse impact on Special Landscape Area qualities in relation to Policy Env 11. Matters of detail with regard to layout and design could be assessed further at the matters specified in conditions stages.”
Paragraph 60 (Accessibility)
“In terms of accessibility, the site is within 400 metres of new bus stops under construction along Craigs Road and existing stops on Maybury Road (for Number 31 and 68 bus services). There is also the desire to divert the Number 31 route through the site. The site is around 1500 metres from the Edinburgh Gateway rail/tram station (Figure 2.1 of appellants’ written response, 5 September 2022). The appellants’ public transport isochrones (Figure 10) of the transport assessment also clarifies these distances. In addition, the Gyle Shopping Centre is approximately 1600 metres walking distance. The site is also less than 800 metres from a new Maybury Primary, Nursery & Health centre (to open in August 2023), and approximately 1000 metres from Craigmount High School. Other services are also within a 10 to 20 minute walk. It is an approximate 30- minute walk (2.5 kilometres) to Edinburgh Park rail/tram station. The site also includes part of Cammo Walk; a closed off road used as a cycle/walking route, which links housing sites Hsg 19 and 20 as an active travel route. All of these matters indicate to me that the site benefits from good connectively with sustainable travel options.”
Paragraph 65 (Sustainable Location)
“Taking the above transport matters into account, I conclude that the site should not be regarded as reliant upon the car. It offers the opportunity as a sustainable location based on the travel options by public transport, foot and cycle. Although some of the walking options are adjacent to existing roads and subject to road noise that does not change my overall conclusion.”
Paragraph 101-102 (Education Provision)
“Furthermore, in the event that the council requires a new primary school, this can, according to the appellants, be accommodated on the appeal site. All of this provides the basis for negotiating a planning obligations agreement with regard to primary education contributions. On the matter of secondary school provision the council accepts its statutory responsibilities and a longstanding requirement to provide additional secondary school infrastructure in West Edinburgh. The appellants have confirmed their willingness to make contributions towards secondary school infrastructure (both non-denominational and denominational) within West Edinburgh. Again this matter could be secured through a planning obligations agreement.”
The City of Edinburgh Council are currently in the process of updating their LDP, with the replacement plan (known as City Plan 2030) currently undergoing Examination by the Scottish Government. Given this changing planning context, and in light of the Reporter’s findings for the previous appeal, West Craigs Limited are considering their options for future development at the site.